I really believe in my bones that Sugar Bowl should have a
"Ski with Santa" day - and consider this the official start of the "Draft Devin Gill for Skiing Santa" campaign.
But I digress... Whether or not Devin does don the Santa suit on the hill, we do have a bunch of elves on the Sugar Bowl Academy campus who are helping ease Santa's workload.
The tenth-grade advisory group (otherwise ingloriously known as the
Ocho Locos) took the lead by preparing and selling baked goods, raising nearly $100 toward the eventual $350 the group spent on gifts for a single mother and her two tweener children.
(Note to all the
Ocho Locos who owe 'G' money and to those who purchased baked goods on IOU's: DO YOUR CIVIC DUTY AND PAY UP!!!!)
"Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, because I feel like everybody gets really generous and family oriented, so I'm glad that we're able to help a family experience that too who are not so fortunate," said
Ocho Locos advisory member Maya Crosby.
"We purchased the kids all of their school supplies for the entire year," said advisor Andy Giordano. "That includes backpacks, watches, binders, some art kits, science books, experiment kits, lots of great stuff for school."
Steve Ascher's Christmas tree, adorned
with ski passes accumulated over more than
20 years on area ski slopes |
The younger-girls' advisory group under the direction of Kristen Lew and Jeff Schloss also adopted a family for Christmas, chipping in their own money toward the purchase of gifts to make Christmas brighter for another Placer County family.
"It's a continuation of what we started with our community service work this fall," said Giordano, Chairman of the SBA Advisory Committee. "It's important that our student-athletes feel a sense of connection to their community and a responsibility for making that community a better place, and it has been nice to see that our kids have embraced this role enthusiastically."
Good on ya Steve!
Finally, this holiday season, here's a "good on ya'" to Steve Ascher, who after 10 years of having no Christmas tree ("I always travel at Christmas time") finally bit the bullet and bought this beauty.
Steve's tree, if you look closely, is festooned primarily with ski passes from years past.
"The oldest one on the tree is from 1988-89, but there are 30-some passes because there are plenty of years where I have more than one pass."
I can hear Santa now:
"Now Ascher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen!..."
Happy holidays to you all, and
may the Marmots of Vancouver Island and Donner Summit long live!
Yours truly,
Marmot Man