Who's in the Burrow?

Slavery and States' Rights On Trial at SBA

Joanne Knox relayed the following comical story regarding the moments leading up to the SBA Summit on Slavery. 

Charged with playing the role of President Abraham Lincoln in a mock court session in which slavery  and states' rights were on trial, Chris Fitzpatrick was astounded when Owen Wattenmaker - assigned the role of Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, and scrambling for costume attire - asked the President at lunch if he had an extra tie. 

Shaking his head incredulously, Chris responded: "John Wilkes Booth is asking President Lincoln to borrow his tie?!"

The North
Thank you to Joanne for the following details regarding the slavery summit.



It is early December in the year 1860. Abraham Lincoln is the President elect. Tensions between free and slave states have reached a boiling point. Violent protests and even armed skirmishes between local militias in border areas are becoming more frequent. A war between the states threatens to tear apart families and a nation. In an effort to avoid a bloody solution, a group of some of the most influential voices of the time have been assembled to present demands between the divided political factions of this country. The stakes could not be higher nor the issues more contentious. The entire nation is watching and listening to upcoming reports in the newspapers of what this assembled group decides.

Issues to consider:
  • States rights vs. Federal law
  • Slavery (economics, morality, etc.)
  •  Balance of legislative power in a growing nation (ex. Kansas entering the union next year)
  •  Legality of Secession

States’ rights, as outlined by our Founding Fathers, are being trampled by unfair Northern politics. Abolitionist fanatics in the North are forcing this country into war by illegally tampering with the institution of slavery in this country. The South has little choice but to secede and form a new nation grounded in liberty.


If the South can articulate and prove their demands are justified, the judges will then find in favor of “The Compromise of 1861” which will force concessions by the North but the bloodiest war on American soil will never take place.  On the other hand, if the North is convincing in their presentation of their demands and the judges side with their line of reasoning, the country will enter into Civil War. 

Verdict: Southern arguments were persuasive to the judges and thus they won - this means the Civil War has been avoided and a compromise favoring the South that prevents succession has been established.


Northerners and/or Abolitionists:

Frederick Douglass = Isaac                 

Harriet Beecher Stowe = Maya

Henry David Thoreau = Drew

Abraham Lincoln = Chris

Harriet Tubman = Laurel

Harriet Jacobs = Sinclaire

Charles Sumner = Chuck                                                             

John Brown = Jack

Southerners and/or Pro-Slavery Individuals:

John C. Calhoun = Conner

Robert E. Lee = Augie

Varina Davis = Taylor                                                                

Preston Brooks = Riley

Meredith Calhoun = Brian                 

Belle Boyd = Katrin

Martha Bulloch Roosevelt = Lizzie                                              

John Wilkes Booth = Owen

Judges: Cass, Grace, Dylan, Kristen, Tracy with help from special advisor Ambrose.

The Judges
"We couldn't be happier with the students' ability to synthesize and argue using content discussed in class over the last six weeks. Student engagement was at an all-time high, with both the North and South delegations rising to the challenge." - Joanne Knox

Drew Hartley, aka Henry David Thoreau

Valentine's Day at SBA

Student Council President Dylan Murtha, supplying Valentine's Day serenades...

A Valentine's Day serenade from Lew to G:

Hartley, Freeland Take Top Two on Home Snow

The following report of Marmot mastery of snow comes from Barbara Hartley. Thanks, Barb, and congratulations to Drew, Isaac, and the rest of the SBST gnar shredders!


The first stop of the Tahoe Junior Freeride Series took place at Sugar Bowl this weekend. The Academy boys were on fire with Drew and Issac battling it out for first place. At the end of the day on Saturday, Issac was in the lead with a score of 42.5. Drew was running in a close second with a score of 42.25, while the third place competitor was a good two points back. 

On day two, Issac pulled off an amazing run and it looked like he was going to be taking home the gold. Under blackening skies and increasing winds, Drew managed to stay calm and pulled off the highest scoring run of the weekend, claiming top honors with Issac a very close second. It was a great weekend of competing and super fun to watch our Academy boys go head to head all weekend long. The Freeride team had three other older boys finish in the top ten with Emmett Seely in 7th, Conner Fournier in 9th and Kyle Fowler in 10th.
Drew and Isaac's friendly rivalry is pushing their skiing to new heights! Neither of them would be where they are at without the other. The confidence gained this past weekend should carry right into national competition starting at the end of the month. - Coach Trevor
Sugar Bowl’s Xander Guldman dominated the younger boys age group by taking first place in a very competitive field with a winning score of 40.125, a good 4 points above his next competitor.

Congratulations also goes out to Ali Lawton for taking third place in the girls 15-17 age group and to Carly Gradeff for her 5th place win in the girls 11-14 year age group.

To learn more about the Tahoe Junior Freeride Series go to tahoejuniorfreerideseries.com. The next stop of the series will be at Squaw Valley on February 25th and 26th. Come out and watch a great event! The stakes will be high as the Squaw Valley athletes are going to be working hard to keep Sugar Bowl off the podium.