Who's in the Burrow?


Official Snow Pool Master of Ceremonies
Michael Cooper awards 2011 Snow Pool
Champ Steve Ascher the coveted
Snowball Trophy

An award ceremony was held on campus today to honor Staff Meteorologist Steve Ascher for his resounding win in the 2011 SBA Snow Pool. 

In the annual school-wide Snow Pool, Ascher predicted our first snowfall of significant accumulation would be October 15th, only 11 days off the actual October 4th storm date. 

Ascher displaying the Snowball Trophy
Fortunately for Ascher, nobody else came closer than he to predicting our early snowfall, so kudos to Señor Esteban on winning the 2011 Snow Pool prize, the coveted Snowball Trophy.

Additionally, Happy belated birthday, Steve!

Enjoy the embedded slide show of photos from our first snow day! As you can see, Sam Zabell was Snow Shoveler of the Day. 

SBA-TV (¡en español!)

Graciela y "Zorro," corresponsales de ¡SBA-TV En Español!
In the beginning, there was SBA-TV. 

Now, expanding our reach to an ever-wider audience, there is el noticiero ¡SBA-TV En Español!

Stay tuned for more episodes, hopefully moving toward more error-free vocabulary, pronunciation, and structure!