Who's in the Burrow?

Orientation 2011, Day 1

Fighting Marmot family,

Weary but exhilarated from today's adventures - and still burning fuel from the campire smorefest that concluded the day's athletic and advisory activities - the faculty and student/athletes of SBA are settling into our cabins for the night at the Community of the Great Comission.

Hope you enjoy some highlights from Day 1 of SBA Orientation 2011...

• The majority of the SBA student/athletes elected a 10-mile mountain bike ride through manzanita and live oak stands on the hard-packed Forest Hill Divide Trail, which divides the North Fork of the American River from the Middle Fork.

• Nordic Coaches Jeff Schloss and Martin Benes along with faculty member Steve Ascher and Head of School Tracy Keller led a small group of road bikers on a 28-mile ride. The most ambitious of the bunch, including Joe Piercy, Alec Wiltz, Bria Riggs, and Schloss rode 49 miles, down to the middle fork of the American River to Ralston Reservoir, where they enjoyed some swim time.

From what I understand of the area (thanks to Coach Schloss),
these giant forks of the American River are where gold was discovered, starting the California gold rush, making our 2011 orientation site the epicenter of the first big environmental fight in the U.S.

Gold miners came into conflict with the farmers in the area by damming the creeks and using the dammed water to conduct hydraulic blasting of the surrounding hillside.

• Steve Ascher pointed out a spectacular iridium flare from a satellite passing overhead, but most of the student/athlete population was too deep into smores to take notice.

Day 2 features field day events!

-Marmot Man, powered by Blogpress and iPhone