Who's in the Burrow?

American Humanities Students Wax Poetic

Thank you to Joanne Knox for the following report from American Humanities class...

"Students in the American Humanities class were offered several options for an Honors final project wrapping up Unit 2: 'Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness.' Throughout the unit, each student in class was asked to adopt a historical persona affected by decisions made by the Continental Congress and the writers of the Constitution.

"Several students presented poems or spoken word pieces before the class that encapsulated their character's thoughts during this time. Below Laurel Fiddler presents the ideas of Phillis Wheatley and Rollin Atkinson's poem reflects the feelings of Thomas Paine."

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By Laurel Fiddler 

How Is This True When I Am Not Free?

I remember the days when I crossed the ocean

I was not but a young girl

We aimed for a country glorious and independent

I stood by my new master and asked myself

How is this true when I am not free? 

They treated me like family

Taught me their language and how to write it too

I still grew up wondering where my real mother was

They may have been kind, but each day I pondered

How is this true when I am not free? 

I found my own freedom, I wrote it in poems

When with a pen I was an independent soul

But when a white man saw my creations,

He only saw the color of my skin and I ran out of the office crying

How is this true when I am not free? 

I’ve lived my life behind a fence

So they send me to Europe to have an experience

It’s wonderful and all, but I can’t help but cringe

As people remark on my so called home of the free

How is this true when I am not free? 

I sat by her bedside, holding her hand

She died in our arms, my cherished friend

She brushed my hair and taught me to sew

I’ve lived a privileged life with her, but I still do the work

How is this true when I am not free? 

Her husband tells me that I am now to be free

Can stop picking cotton and go live my dream

I got my works published, but even so

My freedom was never quite real enough for me

I still got looks from people who thought they were better 

America will be free when we can stare into another’s eyes and know

We are all just humans and until equality is here

I will keep asking

How is this true when I am not free? 

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By Rollin Atkinson

January 29th, 1737
A baby born, a prodigy sent from heaven
An inspirational writer, though often misunderstood and considered irreverent
Would grow up to challenge both religion and the reverend
Thomas Paine born as a gift unto his father
Dad had grand visions, since Tom was a toddler
But at twelve Tom dropped out of school, to go no farther
Didn’t need a diploma to prove he was smarter
He spent years in England, shut down from his true potential
About his family Thomas was never sentimental
He became an apprentice, a seaman, an officer gone mental
Because, to Thomas these roles were nothing but elemental
1772 published The Case of The Officers of Excise
Thomas argued for better pay, and his arguments were precise
In London Tom met Franklin non-believer in Christ
Thomas followed Franklin to Philly, thought a change would be nice
Fame hit Thomas with a career that he loved
It was journalism that did it; fit the man like a glove
Tom gave “Common Sense” to classes below and above
“The Crisis” proved inspirational, like Noah’s dove
“These are the times that try men’s souls”
Although a poor fighter, Thomas had independence-aimed goals
At Valley Forge, the soldiers miserable, their shoes had no soles
But when read “The Crisis” these men became bold
With American ideas tucked away in his past
Tom returned to Europe, home in England at last
Writing and inventing still the most of his crafts
Tomas worked on a candle, a bridge, that couldn’t collapse
Tom still worried about despots and tyrants
“The Rights of Man” another marvelous literary rant
Criticized monarchy, the revolution of France
Became an England outlaw, fled like Guildenstern and Rosencrantz
Once in France, Thomas joined the National Convention
But quickly imprisoned because of Louis XVI Tom didn’t mention
In prison, The Age of Reason was written with contention
For Tom and the Church shared plentiful tension
Freed in 1794 barely escaping execution
James Monroe allowed Tom to bolt without a contusion
Jefferson invited Tom to live under the new constitution
But he saw that they’d eradicated his contributions
Now Tom was too old to make any amends
Tom’s popularity had gone; now unable to contend
Derided by the public and abandoned by his friends
And at the age of 72 poor old Thomas had met his end