For the last few weeks, the older girls' advisory has been tempting us with sweet treats for sale at the back of the lunch room. Quietly, and quite deliciously, they have managed to make quite an impact. Thank you to Joanne Knox for the following write-up on the older-girls' advisory's efforts to combat fistula.
Older girls show the funds that
they helped raise within our small
school community to help support
the efforts of Ethiopia's Hamlin
Fistula Hospital.
"One theme of the older girls’ advisory has been to learn about the lives of young women, especially who live vastly different lifestyles than our own. Most recently we focused on health crises of women around the world. We learned that more than two million women in the world suffer from the very curable, but very debilitating life-altering condition of a fistula. These women are affected by both the physical trauma of the condition and the psychological trauma they endure when cast out from their families and society. Our goal was to help make a difference in at least one woman’s life by raising money for the Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Through a series of spring bake sales, we were able to raise over four hundred dollars. This money will be donated to the hospital to support our sisters in need. This experience not only helped open our eyes to a real problem for women, but also allowed for us to change a life positively. For more information on the Hamlin Hospital, please go to:"