Who's in the Burrow?

Who's Who on the SBA Campus this Year?

Proving that everything is now in full and frenetic swing on the SBA campus, new campus leaders have been elected and Student Council meetings are already underway. 

Katrin Larusson,
SBA Student Council VP
Dylan Murtha,
SBA Student Council President

Chuck Klein,
SBA Student Council Secretary
Riley Plant,
SBA Student Council Treasurer

Faculty Advisor Aly Kendall organized campus-wide Student Council elections. Each candidate for office was required to give a speech in front of the student body. Our President and Vice President-elects both proudly represent the town of Truckee. Congratulations to the newly-elected Student Council leaders! 

Maya Crosby,
SBA Yearbook Chief Editor
Appointed to the leadership position of Chief Yearbook Editor this year is Maya Crosby. You will hear more about exciting developments on The Fighting Marmot yearbook in future posts. 

Congratulations, too, go to Maya on her appointment to this important leadership position on campus.