Who's in the Burrow?

Mind, Body,... Steak!

Have you tried "The Man Special" at the Tamarack Grill? 

Student/athletes in Devin Gill's Nutrition elective were recently given the following marching orders (thanks to Riley Plant for the copy that follows...): 

Gill assigned two groups in the class, one consisting of 3 boys and the other of 4 girls. Chris (Fitzpatrick), Chuck (Klein), and I were assigned to make an entertaining commercial explaining the nutritional value and taste of a meal. We talk about a 20 ounce steak, one baked potato, a glass of milk, garden salad, and apple crisp. We had a lot of fun making the meal, especially the steak. None of us is an expert chef, so we ended up tasting and re-cooking the steak three times. It slowly turned from a raw piece of meat to a slightly-more-cooked piece of raw meat. In addition to talking about the nutritional value of the foods, we showed how a healthy meal, like ours, can lead to enhanced performance in the Performance Training Center. Despite taking about four hours, the project was very fun and we have a lot to remember and laugh about from it.