A heartwarming photo greeted student-athletes as they filed into 102 today for Student Council elections.
Taken well before their Fighting Marmot days, the photo showed big brother Drew - Captain of SBA Team Freeride - draping an arm affectionately over the shoulder of little sister, Camille, an SBA Nordic ski racer.
"Vote Hartley," the campaign poster declared. No exclamation point needed: Camille's upraised thumb said it all.
The brother-sister duo was elected President (Drew) and Vice President (Camille) today at All School Meeting after delivering a campaign speech they had co-authored as a poem to the student body (stay tuned for the text of the speech to be published).
"The speeches today from all of the candidates were the best I have heard during my time as Student Council Advisor," said Aly Kendall. "It's exciting to see our students show so much interest in leadership roles within our community, and I look forward to working with the newly elected leaders on campus as they plan community-building and charitable activities for our student body."
Student Council membership is open to all student-athletes and depends on their participation and creativity for its success.
"We are looking forward to lots of Marmot participation this year," said Aly. "All are welcome."