Who's in the Burrow?

"a true embodiment of our school's mission"

Building on their bike's for Africa initiative from the fall, SBA's Older Boys' Advisory is now helping peddle the SBA Annual Fund.

The advisory group has presented at All School Meeting a plan to start a new tradition on the SBA campus - an annual Tahoe Lake Century fundraiser to benefit the school. 

"I am excited to help plan this new initiative for Sugar bowl Academy," said Andy Knox, Older Boys' Advisor. "I can see this becoming a staple in the spring term for years to come. It is a true embodiment of our school's mission of mind, body and spirit."

Students and staff have signed up to peddle one or more legs of the circuit ride, which will begin and end at the SBA campus on May 24th (with May 26th being the designated rain day). 

The total distance of the ride is about 100 miles, with individual legs averaging between 11 and 23 miles. The advisory group's PowerPoint presentation to the school (movie below) included topography maps of the various legs to help each rider decide which leg he or she felt most comfortable peddling. 

Students and staff are currently soliciting sponsors. Annual fund money helps cover the school's operating expenses. 
Want to ride? Here's a Pledge Form

“This is a wonderful way for the SBA student body to become actively engaged in our annual fundraising efforts while enjoying the beauty of the Lake Tahoe area," said Head of School Tracy Keller. 

Create some buzz about this exciting event by Tweeting about it! Include the hashtag #sbabikelaketahoe and the URL link http://tinyurl.com/5t47u87.